THE TEN BODIES - are yours out of balance?

The Ten Body System helps you to become aware of being so much more than your physical self. 

Differing from most Western practices of yoga, Kundalini Yoga focuses more on the energetic anatomy of what it is to be human. 

The Ten Body System consists of

  • your physical body

  • your three mental bodies

  • your six energy bodies. 

There are personal inherent strengths and weaknesses of the Ten Bodies, which can be strengthened and balanced to give you specific benefits that you can draw upon.

Read on to find out if yours are out of balance 


The First Body - The Soul Body is the centre of your being - your soul your essence. It represents your connection to the infinite and the divine. It is your deepest core, your truest self, giving you the ability to live truthfully and from your heart compassionately. 

Creativity streams through this body. It connects you to your inner infinity, which helps you identify your purpose and destiny. 

When your Soul body is balanced, you feel connected to your inner wisdom and intuition. 

In an imbalanced state, you predominantly act from our head instead of from your heart, prioritising your intellect over your intuition. You may lack creativity, feel ineffective, and struggle to understand your purpose. 


The Second Body - Negative Mind is the part of your intellect that is constantly working to help create awareness of your surroundings, assessing potential dangers and setting boundaries. 

An imbalanced Negative Mind may lead to people pleasing because you long to belong and imposter syndrome from excessive internal criticism. You may feel uncentered and indecisive. 


The Third Body - Positive Mind is your willpower, your strength. It is how you identify opportunities and resources with enthusiasm and trust. When your Positive Mind is balanced life is effortless, you are more charismatic due to the joyful nature that inspires those around you to be positive and optimistic. 

When your Positive Mind is weak you can feel overwhelmed by your Negative Mind, depressed and stuck in a state of inaction unable to access your own power. 


The Fourth Body - Neutral Mind evaluates the assessments of the negative and positive mind delivering guidance and decision-making based on balance, clarity and calmness. 

Also known as the Meditative Mind, the Neutral Mind evaluates input from all the other bodies providing you with quick intuitive guidance. This Mind helps you to compassionately connect your intuition with your soul. 

If out of balance you may have a difficult time making decisions. You may feel like you don’t belong and struggle with a lack of meaning or purpose. 


The Fifth Body - Your temple housing all the other nine bodies. 

This is your living, human form. The sacred vessel through which you experience and serve in your lifetime here on Earth. 

The Physical Body creates a connection between heaven and earth and it is how you participate fully in life on this planet. It is how consciousness experiences Earth through your senses. 

Through the physical body you have the ability to balance yourself and your life. 

An imbalance in the physical body can manifest as negative emotions, fatigue and a lack of gratitude, and also in an obsession with physical appearance and the material world.  


The sixth Body - The Arcline can be visualised as your halo, expanding from one ear to the other. Women have a second arcline across from nipple to nipple. It is your avenue of intuition, serving as a gateway between the physical and the cosmic realm and between word and deed. 

This spiritual body projects who you are to other people solely through your presence. It also protects you from negative energy directed towards you. When you turn around and find someone staring at you? That is one of aspect of your arcline in action. 

When your Sixth Body is weak or unbalanced you may be easily influenced, unfocused, your values might not be in sync with your actions.


The Seventh Body - The Aura is an electromagnetic energy field surrounding your Physical Body. It is scientifically measurable and this energetic resonance reaches 3 to 9 feet away from your body. 

The aura contains and protects your life force - Prana - and interacts with it forming a protective shield of magnetic presence projecting positivity. A strong Auric Body elevates you and your presence lifts those around you. You also repel negativity in this balanced state. 

When your Auric Body is weak, you may be paranoid and lack self trust causing you to conform to the needs of others as a way to please them. 


The Eighth Body - The Pranic Body brings in Prana the life force energy of the Universe via the breath. It provides you with energy, courage, control over your mind, and healing potential.

When you breathe you nourish your Pranic Body and increase your life force and send it to your Physical Body and Soul Body. This energy ignites your creative flow helping you to connect with your higher self. It also balances polarities, such as the masculine and feminine energies within you, which then become fully integrated. 

In am imbalanced state, you may feel anxious, fatigued and defensive. You may also try to find energy from external sources like food or other stimulants. 


The Ninth Body - The Subtle Body is your ability to sense and perceive the infinite/Universal reality within the material and physical realm. 

It gives you the skill of intuitively tuning into situations easily and picking up new skills quickly. It helps you to tap into the cosmic flow. Through this extrasensory system you can experience the absolute presence in the moment and recognise the divine presence in all. 

Your Subtle Body and Soul Body have a special connection because the Subtle Body carries the Soul Body at the time of death. 

When in balance this body assists you in tapping into your innate intuition and insight to see clearly things that you could not understand before. 

When out of balance you may find it hard to relax, feel frustrated, misunderstood and out of your natural flow. 


The Tenth Body - The Radiant Body is your magnetism. It encompasses your Soul Body plus your radiance. 

It gives you courage, nobility and magnetises prosperity to your field. When strong and aligned you are easily committed to your practice and you know that this is the most powerful way to increase your magnetic radiance. 

Magnetic and charismatic people are a shining example of a balanced Radiant Body. 

When your Radiant Body is weak you may feel shy, avoid conflict, be fearful and wary of acknowledging your inner wisdom. 


Culminating with the Eleventh Body - The eleventh body is all the ten bodies merging together.

The embodiment and personification of higher consciousness. Harmony and infinite rhythm, energy and light, willpower and integrity. 

Numerically 11 represents the absence of duality. 

Humanity and divinity become one. You enter into this state when all ten bodies are balanced.



Book a 60 minute Soul Shift session including a consultation with Elizabeth, your personal Ten Body Reading to identify your unique challenges and assets and a daily practice recommendation

Find out which of your Ten Bodies is out of balance and what practices can help to strengthen them

Based on your birthdate it will help you to understand your gifts and life path. 

You will recieve a reading of your Ten Bodies, a copy of the ebook Introduction to the Ten Bodies by Elizabeth Large and a recomended personal prescriptive Kundalini Yoga Practice to balance your Ten Body System.

  • Build the power to achieve your goals and transform limiting self-beliefs. 

  • Strengthen your body and intuition. 

  • Create your authentic energetic impact.