Somatic Spirituality Mentoring supports you through a journey of self discovery, providing emotional support, guidance and help to commit to a somatic and spiritual practice so that you create an intentional way of living that satisfies the spiritual aspect of yourself and gives you the ability to anchor into yourself.

My role is to challenge you to uncover and learn about your patterns, thoughts, postures and beliefs to see if they are relevant to now, if not, you can learn how to release and rewire them and embrace a new way of being.

I hold space and support you in becoming more aware, assured and able to hold your centre emotionally, physically energetically and spiritually.

How you will benefit

  • Find an inner strength

  • Courage to face the unknown

  • Increase your confidence and self esteem

  • Become less reactive and more cool!

  • Improve physical and mental health

  • Connect to your higher self

  • Improve your relationships

Somatics what is it?

Somatics focuses on the connection between the mind and body, emphasising the importance of bodily sensations, movements, and awareness in overall well-being and personal development.

As an entrepreneurs somatics can offer several benefits:

Stress Management

Running a business can be stressful, and stress can manifest physically in the body. Somatic practices can help you recognize and release physical tension, promoting relaxation and reducing stress levels.

Emotional Regulation

Somatic techniques often involve tuning into bodily sensations and emotions. By becoming more aware of how emotions are experienced in the body, you can learn to regulate your emotions more effectively, which is crucial for making sound decisions and managing interpersonal relationships in the business world.

Enhanced Communication

Somatic practices can improve body language, vocal presence, and overall communication skills. When you are more attuned to your bodily expressions you can convey confidence, authenticity, and credibility, which can be advantageous in networking, pitching ideas, and negotiating deals.

Increased Resilience

Building a business requires perseverance and resilience in the face of challenges and setbacks. Somatic practices can help you develop a greater sense of resilience by fostering self-awareness, adaptability, and a more embodied sense of confidence and determination.

Creativity and Innovation

Somatic practices often encourage exploration, improvisation, and playfulness with movement and expression. This can stimulate creativity and innovation, helping you think outside the box and come up with fresh ideas and solutions for your businesses.

Mindfulness and PresenceSomatic practices promote mindfulness and present-moment awareness, which can help you stay focused, grounded, and attentive to the task at hand. This heightened sense of presence can lead to better decision-making, improved productivity, and a greater sense of fulfilment in your entrepreneurial endeavors.

Overall, incorporating somatic practices into your routine can help you cultivate a healthier relationship with yourself, your body, and your businesses, ultimately leading to greater success and satisfaction in your entrepreneurial journey.

What is Spiritual Wellness

Spiritual Wellness is an aspect of wellbeing that focuses on examining your personal beliefs and values. It involves looking into what gives you a feeling of balance and peace through finding a sense of meaning and purpose in your life.

That also means facing some of the feelings that maybe you are avoiding so spiritual wellness can also be making a commitment to yourself to stop numbing out and outsourcing.

With the honest guidance of a mentor/teacher learn to replace negative habits with positive ones and become more aware and mindful without falling into the trap of spiritual bypassing.

How to weave spirituality into your life

  • Explore your spiritual self by examining your values and beliefs, look into what gives you deeper meaning in your life, study spiritual texts,

  • Dedicate yourself to becoming more aware and balanced somatically.

  • Make time to listen to the call of your soul to connect to your higher self.

  • Establish a daily spiritual discipline.

Ways to become more spiritual

  • Loving kindness and radical self care

  • Yoga/Somatic Movement

  • Connect more to nature

  • Express how you feel

  • Create sacred space

  • Gratitude practice

  • Increase intuition

  • Embodiment

  • Meditation

  • Journaling

  • Prayer

Somatic Spirituality Mentoring supports you through this journey of self discovery, providing emotional support, guidance and help to commit to a practice that can involve all of the above so that you create an intentional way of living that satisfies the embodied, energetic and spiritual aspects of yourself.

The typical amount of time to work with a mentor/coach is between 2 to 6 months. On average it takes 66 days to create a new habit. This is slightly over two months.

During our initial discovery call we see if we are a good fit to work together and then decide the best approach and time line to follow.

Somatic Spirituality Mentoring is available as an online Virtual Wellness support system that includes

  • an in-depth consultation (currently ONLINE globally or in person Lefkada Greece as a 1:1 retreat)

  • self exploration tools and videos of your prescritive somatic practices

  • weekly/fortnightly 60 minute 1:1 touch in calls

  • ongoing support to reach your transformational goals.


My role is to challenge you to uncover and learn about your patterns, thoughts, postures and beliefs to see if they are supporting your life now, if not, you can learn how to rewire them and embrace a new way of being.

I hold space and support you in becoming more aware, assured and able to hold your centre emotionally, physically, energetically and spiritually.

Together at your pace I safely lead you with somatic practices to energetically release held sensations through the experience of your body, teaching you ways to become independent in managing your feelings and freeing up your energy to be used more wisely.

Having accountability is the quickest and most long lasting way to establish a daily practice both spiritually and somatically to support your long term wellbeing, your goals and happiness.

1:1 sessions include

  • Mindbody awareness - assessments, guided sessions, movement and visualisations.

  • A prescriptive daily somatic and energetic practice, written and video content.

  • Support through the challenges and celebrations.

  • Spiritual practices - breath-work, rituals and self care.

  • Arranged additional online access to me via voxer.

  • Being heard, witnessed and held accountable.

  • Extra support via the Healy Frequency Device.


WORK WITH your Soul/Life challenges AND PURPOSE

TO go deeper into turning YOUR challenges into

your soul path to success FOR BUSINESS, PERSONAL AND SOUL GROWTH


THE SOUL PATH is a 6 WEEK 1:1 commitment with accountability to support you to establish

a purposeful prescriptive daily practice based upon information gathered in The Soul Shift Consultation.

It includes

5 x 60 minute 1:1 video calls

Healy Coaching Analysis and 6 weeks of frequencies sent to you daily

Energetic practices to increase your Life Force and repattern your mindset

A prescriptive 40 day Kundalini Yoga practice

The purpose of the daily practices are to help you address imbalances in your strengths and weaknesses, thought patterns, energetics and character traits, so you begin to function energetically, physically and mentally in a way that more fully supports your business, personal and soul’s growth.

You may feel stuck in your head and wishing to be more in tune with your physical body/feelings or heart, instead of being so logical you learn to tap into your intuition and creativity.

Maybe you have a tendency to focus more on what goes wrong rather than what might go right, using up a lot of mental energy that could be better focused elsewhere.

Often prior to growth there is a contraction that may result in a plateau in your business, or even a loss of your sense of why and confidence that hinders your breakthrough to the next level.

Together we devise a personal prescriptive practice of movement,

breathwork and meditation to increase your Life Force to maximise your potential in relation

to your business goals.

The 6 week Soul Path Sessions Include

5 x 60 minute 1:1 calls on zoom

40 day practice and accountability

Healy Coaching Analysis and a month of frequencies

5 days a week coaching support in Voxer

CALL 1 A clarification of your goals regarding your business.

A recap of the Soul Shift session and how we can work with that information in relation

to your business and personal growth.

Details of your 40 day prescriptive practice.

A deeper look at the Numerology Reading and explanation of how it relates to your business,

purpose and values.

WEEK 2 A Healy Coaching Analysis based upon a clear focus statement that you arrive at through

examining your desires and business goals.

An explanation of the results and a month of daily frequencies sent to you to help to create

the optimum opportunity for growth.

WEEK 3 A Prescriptive Daily Practice, I teach you 1:1 and provide videos for you to follow.

WEEKS 5/6 are 1:1 30 minute extra support calls

Valued at over £700 currently offered at £299 for the 6 week Soul Path Sessions

This is for women already successfully running their own business,

who are solution focused and willing to commit to making time for themselves because

they recognise they are the energy of their business and want to optimise this.

  • Build the power to achieve your goals

  • Transform limiting self-beliefs. 

  • Strengthen your body and intuition. 

  • Create your authentic energetic impact. 




In this 3/6 month 1:1 mentoring container, you’ll embark on a transformative journey that integrates the principles of vitality, intuition, transformation, awareness, and loving-kindness. Each pillar is designed to elevate your energy, align you with your true purpose, and empower you to step fully into your most aligned authentic self. Below are each of these pillars in more detail.


We delve into the core aspects of vitality—both energetically and physiologically—to unlock new levels of energy, clarity, and focus in your life and business. This includes:

  • Energetic Alignment: Understanding how your energy flows and how to sustain high levels of vitality through advanced energy practices like breathwork, grounding, and energy clearing.

  • Physiological Vitality: Exploring nutrition, movement, and sleep routines tailored to your unique needs. We’ll identify what truly fuels your body and refine habits to optimize your physical energy.

  • Emotional Resilience: Balancing your emotional landscape to enhance vitality, building resilience against stress, and maintaining inner harmony.


Your intuition is a powerful guide in both your personal and professional life. Here we explore:

  • Defining Intuition: What is intuition, and what does it mean to you? We’ll uncover the different ways intuitive insights manifest and how you can recognise them.

  • Intuition and Purpose: Aligning your intuitive nudges with your business goals and personal mission. Learn how to make decisions guided by your inner knowing.

  • Expanding Your Intuition: Practices to deepen your connection to intuition, including meditation, journaling, and listening to your body’s signals. We’ll also explore how to trust your inner guidance even when it challenges logic.


Transformation is at the heart of growth. Here, we focus on guiding you through a deep inner and outer transformation, addressing mind, body, and soul:

  • Inner Transformation: Uncover and release limiting beliefs, old stories, and patterns that no longer serve you. Step into the version of yourself that is aligned, empowered, and confident.

  • Outer Transformation: Reflect your inner shifts through your environment, habits, and even your personal brand. This could mean embodying a new self-image, refining your business identity, or enhancing your communication style.

  • Embodiment Practices: Integrate transformation on a cellular level using practices like somatic work, visualization, and embodiment exercises that reinforce your growth.


Awareness is the key to unlocking deeper levels of self-understanding and creating lasting change. We will explore:

  • Somatic and Mindset Techniques: Learn how to increase your self-awareness by tuning into your body’s signals, becoming present in the moment, and shifting limiting thought patterns.

  • Quantum Biology: Discover how quantum biology principles can expand your understanding of how your environment, mindset, and energy impact your well-being and potential.

  • Energetic Awareness: Extend your awareness beyond the physical into the energetic field. Practices include grounding, connecting with nature, and aligning your energy centers to support clarity and flow in your daily life.


At the foundation of all growth is self-compassion. We dive into the practice of loving-kindness and explore how it strengthens your resilience, supports your boundaries, and nurtures your spirit:

  • Self-Compassion and Growth: Embrace self-compassion as a vital tool for maintaining momentum, even when you encounter challenges. Learn how to be your own best advocate and motivator.

  • Values and Boundaries: Clarify your core values and explore how they guide your decision-making, relationships, and business practices. We’ll also cover strategies for setting and maintaining healthy boundaries that protect your energy.

  • Sustaining Loving-Kindness: Incorporate daily rituals that promote self-love and kindness, such as gratitude practices, affirmations, and mindful self-care routines. By consistently honoring yourself, you build the resilience needed to thrive.

The VITAL Way is designed to be a powerful container for deep growth, offering you tools and strategies to live intentionally, align with your purpose, and co-create a life and business that feel expansive, fulfilling, and uniquely yours. Through these five pillars—Vitality, Intuition, Transformation, Awareness, and Loving-Kindness—you’ll emerge more aligned, energised, and empowered to live a life that resonates at the highest frequency.

A 3 month 1:1 container £1200

1 intake consultation and 8 learning/support sessions to take on the tools and practices and begin to integrate them into your way of being through a deeper exploration and repatterning.

Healy Frequency Analysis and Healy Coaching. Receive weekly transformative frequencies to alter at the level of your information field.

Bi weekly Energy Work - receive Traditional Japanese Reiki 60 minute sessions for clearing and healing.

Weekday voxer support.


As a Somatic Spirituality Mentor/Coach I draw on my 20 years of working with clients as well as my own personal experience in the field of somatics and energetics with a degree in Therapeutic Bodywork BSc, Yoga Kundalini /Hatha teacher 720 hrs, Usui Reiki Master as well as being an experienced Holistic Health Therapist. I am here to serve the expansion of your awareness, create the life and business you desire and deepen your connection to Universal Source.

What is wellness

“…wellness is associated with an active process of being aware and making choices that lead toward an outcome of opitmal holistic health and wellbeing”


Somatic Spirituality Mentoring is a supportive ongoing relationship that helps you to work out

  • how to feel deeply satisfied

  • what you want from your life

  • learn more about your authentic self

  • creating achievable steps leading to an aligned self

  • explore what may be stopping you from achieving your desires

    As your Mentor/Coach I encourages you to practice a personalised holistic approach to your life through the wellbeing of bodymind and soul.

One study showed that people who wrote down their goals, shared them with others, and maintained accountability for their goals were 33% more likely to achieve them, compared to those who just formulated goals on their own.

Transformation is achieved through this supportive facilitating relationship that focuses on a client centered plan of action that is created together.

This plan of action focuses on your strengths and challenges and which motivational tools are best suited to you to assist you in reaching your desired goals.

Why seek the support of a Somatic Spirituality Mentor/Coach

  • you feel overwhelmed/stressed

  • you are not as healthy as you would like to be

  • you don’t have an acceptable work/life balance

  • you feel you are missing a connection to your inner self

  • you are struggling to reach your goals health/wellbeing/spiritual practice

  • you want to achieve sustainable positive behavioural and lifestyle changes

  • you need some guidance on how to move forward with something in your life

  • you sense a loneliness, deep longing, disconnection, dissatisfaction and you are not sure why

Reasons for hiring a Somatic Spirituality Mentor/Coach

  • Be healthier

  • Move energy

  • Increase positivity

  • Prioritise self-care

  • Reduce overwhelm

  • Connect to your souls longing

  • Increase energy and motivation

  • Start or maintain a spiritual practice

  • Learn stress management techniques

  • Create a connection to an expanded version of yourself.

    Learning together with a teacher and coach helps you to understand what works for you and having another person to hold you accountable and guide you on your path makes establishing a commitment to yourself more achievable.

    Are you ready?

    contact Elizabeth here.

Somatic Spirituality Mentoring draws upon over 20 years of experience, training and practicing within the somatic, holistic health and spiritual wellness field. This experience includes clinical consultation of the whole person all aspects of you - energetics - health - emotions - beliefs - posture - breathing - diet - quantum biology - spiritual self - and creating a therapeutic alliance.

Deeply listening to you and reflecting back.

Together we create a client centered solution.

Within Somatic Spirituality Mentoring there is a specific focus upon somatics, advanced energetics, spirituality (non religious) and self awareness. Exploring what that could look like for you personally as part of your wellness journey by defining what spirituality means to you and how to feel a sense of peace and purpose in your life by gaining a deeper knowledge of yourself.


book a discovery call through the

contact button below.