What is Spiritual Wellness and why is it important

What is Spiritual Wellness

Spiritual Wellness is an aspect of wellbeing that focuses on examining your personal beliefs and values.

It involves looking into what gives you a feeling of balance and peace through finding a sense of meaning and purpose in your life.

That also means facing some of the feelings that maybe you are avoiding so spiritual wellness can also be making a commitment to yourself to stop numbing out and outsourcing.

With the honest guidance of a teacher/mentor you can learn to replace negative habits with positive ones and become more aware and mindful without falling into the trap of spiritual bypassing.

Ways you can benefit from practicing spirituality

Find an inner strength

Courage to face the unknown

Increase your confidence and self esteem

Become less reactive and more cool!

Improve physical and mental health

Connect to your higher self

Improve your relationships

How to be more spiritual

Explore your spiritual self by asking questions that examine your values and beliefs, look into what gives you deeper meaning in your life, study spiritual texts, dedicate yourself to becoming more aware and balanced.

Establish a daily spiritual discipline and weave spirituality effortlessly into your life.

Make time to listen to the call of your soul to connect to your higher self.

Ways to become more spiritual

Beheld Spiritual Wellness Mentoring supports you through this journey of self discovery, providing emotional support, guidance and help to commit to a practice that can involve all of the above so that you create an intentional way of living that satisfies the spiritual aspect of yourself.

The typical amount of time to work with a wellness mentor/coach is between 2 to 6 months. On average it takes 66 days to create a new habit. This is slightly over two months.


What is wellness

“…wellness is associated with an active process of being aware and making choices that lead toward an outcome of opitmal holistic health and wellbeing”


Spiritual Wellness Mentoring is a supportive ongoing relationship that helps you to work out

  • what you want from your life

  • learn more about your authentic self

  • how to feel deeply satisfied

  • exploring what maybe stopping you from achieving your desires

  • creating achievable steps leading to transformation

A Spiritual Wellness Mentor encourages you to practice a personalised holistic approach to your health through the wellbeing of body mind and soul.

One study showed that people who wrote down their goals, shared them with others, and maintained accountability for their goals were 33% more likely to achieve them, compared to those who just formulated goals on their own.

Transformation is achieved through this supportive fascilitating relationship that focuses on a client centered plan of action that is created together.

This plan of action focuses on your strengths and challenges and which motivational tools are best suited to you to assist you in reaching your desired goals.

Why seek the support of a Spiritual Wellness Mentor/Coach

  • you feel you are missing a connection to your inner self

  • you sense a lonliness, deep longing or dissatisfaction and you are not sure why

  • you dont have an acceptable work/life balance

  • you feel overwhelmed/stressed

  • you are not as healthy as you would like to be

  • you need some guidance on how to move forward with something in your life

  • you are struggling to reach your goals health/wellbeing/spiritual practice

  • you want to achieve sustainable positive behavioural and lifestyle changes

Why is Spiritual Wellness important?

some benefits of establishing a spiritual practice

  • Reduce overwhelm

  • Increase positivity

  • Prioritize self-care

  • Explore a connection to something bigger than your idea of yourself

  • Learn stress management techniques

  • Increase energy and motivation

  • Eat healthier

  • Exercise more

  • Start or maintain a spiritual practice

Learning together with a teacher/mentor helps you to understand what works for you and having another person to guide you on your path makes establishing a comittment to yourself more achievable.

Are you ready? let’s connect CONTACT me here.

The Beheld Spiritual Wellness Mentorship draws upon many years of experience, training and practicing within the holistic health and spiritual wellness field. This experience includes clinical consultation of the whole person so all aspects of you - health - emotions - beliefs - posture - breathing - diet - spiritual self - and creating a therapeutic alliance.

Deeply listening to you and reflecting back and then together we create a client led solution.

Within Beheld Spiritual Wellness Mentoring there is a specific focus upon spirituality (non religious) and exploring what that could look like for you personally as part of your wellness journey by defining what spirituality means to you and how to feel a sense of peace and purpose in your life by gaining a deeper knowledge of yourself.

During the initial discovery call we see if we are a good fit to work together and then decide the best approach and time line to follow.


The Beheld Spiritual Wellness Mentorship is available as an online Virtual Wellness support system that includes an indepth consultation (currently ONLINE globally or in person Lefkada Greece), weekly/fortnightly 60 minute 1:1 touch in calls and and ongoing support to reach your transformational goals.

My role is to challenge you to uncover and learn about your patterns, thoughts, postures and beliefs to see if they are supporting your life now, if not, you can learn how to rewire them and embrace a new way of being.

I hold space and support you in becoming more aware, assured and able to hold your centre emotionally and physically.

1:1 sessions include

Mind-body awareness - assessments, guided sessions, movement and visualisations.

Being heard, witnessed and held.

Supported through the challenges and celebrations.

Heightened Cognitive skills, listening and speaking.

Spiritual practices - breathwork, rituals and self care.

Arranged additional online access to me for support.

EMERGENCE 1:1 - fundamentals of mind-body-spirit awareness

A 4 week container  £500

1 intake consultation and 4 learning/support sessions to take on the tools, practices and begin to integrate some of them into your way of being.

ARISING 1:1 - fundamentals combined with deeper intensives of mind-body-spirit awareness and integrating them into your way of being.

A 3 month container £1500

1 intake consultation and 8 learning/support sessions to take on the tools, practices and begin to integrate them into your way of being through a deeper exploration and repatterning.

1:1 in person intensives available in Lefkada Greece

As a Spiritual Wellness Mentor I draw on my 20 years of spiritual practice, my own personal life experiences and my experience as a teacher of Bodywork BSc, Yoga and Holistic Health to serve the expansion of your awareness.