Turn your challenges into assets that can help you to shape your future success.

Learn how your Soul qualities impact you energetically and what you can do to

turn it around to benefit your personal and business growth.

Your Soul Number, your birth date, provides insight into your

life (and therefore business) challenges.

This session includes a 60 minute 1:1 call to help you to clarify

your current wants and blocks, along with a numerology reading

and suggested doable daily practices to support you to achieve your business goals.

Book a free one-to-one your Soul Shift Session with Elizabeth

Identify your unique challenges and talents. 

Valued at £112

For a deeper level of 1:1 support you will be interested in


WORK WITH your Soul/Life challenges AND PURPOSE

TO go deeper into turning YOUR challenges into

your soul path to success FOR BUSINESS, PERSONAL AND SOUL GROWTH


THE SOUL PATH is a 6 WEEK 1:1 commitment with accountability to support you to establish

a purposeful daily practice based upon information gathered in The Soul Shift Consultation.

5 x 60 minute 1:1 video calls

Healy Coaching Analysis and 6 weeks of frequencies sent to you daily

Energetic practices to increase your Life Force

A prescriptive 40 day yogic practice

The purpose of the daily practices are to help you address imbalances in your strengths and weaknesses, thought patterns, energetics and character traits, so you begin to function energetically, physically and mentally in a way that more fully supports your business, personal and soul’s growth.

You may feel stuck in your head and wishing to be more in tune with your physical body/feelings or heart, instead of being so logical you learn to tap into your intuition and creativity.

Maybe you have a tendency to focus more on what goes wrong rather than what might go right, using up a lot of mental energy that could be better focused elsewhere.

Often prior to growth there is a contraction that may result in a plateau in your business, or even a loss of your sense of why and confidence that hinders your breakthrough to the next level.

Together we devise a personal prescriptive practice of movement,

breathwork and meditation to increase your Life Force to maximise your potential in relation

to your business goals.

The 6 week Soul Path Sessions Include

5 x 60 minute 1:1 calls on zoom

40 day practice and accountability

Healy Coaching Analysis and a month of frequencies

5 days a week coaching support in Voxer

WEEK 1 A clarification of your goals regarding your business.

A recap of the Soul Shift session and how we can work with that information in relation

to your business and personal growth.

WEEK 2 Details of your 40 day practice.

A deeper look at the Numerology Reading and explanation of how it relates to your business,

purpose and values.

WEEK 3 A Healy Coaching Analysis based upon a clear focus statement that you arrive at through

examining your desires and business goals.

An explanation of the results and a month of daily frequencies sent to you to help to create

the optimum opportunity for growth.

WEEK 4 A Prescriptive Daily Practice, I teach you 1:1 and provide videos for you to follow.

CALLS 5/6 are 1:1 30 minute extra support calls

Valued at over £700 currently offered at £299 for the 6 week Soul Path Sessions

This is for women already successfully running their own business,

who are solution focused and willing to commit to making time for themselves because

they recognise they are the energy of their business. and want to optimise this.

  • Build the power to achieve your goals

  • Transform limiting self-beliefs. 

  • Strengthen your body and intuition. 

  • Create your authentic energetic impact. 


The Ten Body System helps you to become aware of being so much more than your physical self with more focus on the biofield and energetic anatomy of what it is to be human. 

The Ten Body System consists of

  • your physical body

  • your three mental bodies

  • your six energy bodies. 

There are personal inherent strengths and weaknesses of the Ten Bodies, which can be strengthened and balanced to give you specific benefits that you can draw upon.

Read more here to find out about the 10 Bodies and if yours are out of balance. 

Culminating with the Eleventh Body - The eleventh body is all the ten bodies merging together.

You enter into this state when all ten bodies are balanced.

The embodiment and personification of higher consciousness. Harmony and infinite rhythm, energy and light, willpower and integrity. 

To see if we are a good energetic match to work together book a free Soul Shift Session or a chat.