5 Ways to strengthen your connection to the Earth

We are all big kids at heart. Studies on the benefits to children’s health related to time spent in nature show that it increases self esteem and strengthens the ability to manage stress and adversity. The research showed a direct link to children’s physical, emotional and mental health, increasing their ability to concentrate, to become more creative, cooperative, flexible and an increased sense of self awareness.(1)

It is possible to connect to nature at any age and benefit even if we don’t have access to rivers, forests or mountains it is possible to find nature in a more suburban setting in a park or by connecting to the rhythms of the sun and the moon each day or the weather and seasons. Even watching nature documentaries has been shown to reduce feeling of tiredness, anger and stress.(2) Also listening to recorded sounds of real nature has been shown to elicit from our brains an outwardly focused response that leads to physiological relaxation of your body if you’re feeling stressed. (3)

Try finding a little pocket of nature in your environment and commit to observing it daily if you can, it doesn’t matter how small it is what’s important is the commitment to watching the same spot so you can get to know it and start to notice the details and the changes and you will start to feel a relationship growing and an increased sense of peace.

Twenty to thirty minutes spent out in natural surroundings, a forest, even your garden or local park will give you a sense of wellbeing and an experience of physiological and psychological health benefits such as reducing the stress hormone cortisol

Begin to practice orientating yourself in your environment, North South East and West, where does the sun rise or the moon, where does the sun set? For a change take yourself on a walk that has no set destination or aim and have fun seeing where it takes you.

The Guugu Yimithirr Aboriginal tribe from Australia consider their body as belonging to the directions of the earth so that as they orient themselves in space their right handedness changes as their position on the Earth changes. So their right hand becomes their northern, southern, eastern or western hand depending on how they are oriented in relation to the world, if the right side of their body is facing north then their right hand is temporarily a northern hand. It is quite a different paradigm to our fixed right left hand way of being where we are more central and the earth orbits around us! The Aboriginal way feels more round to me and my fixed left right hand feels more linear, less organic. Arnold Mindell suggests that instead of identifying ‘my left hand’ with ourselves that if we identified our body parts with the directions of the Earth we would feel more a part of the Earth more connected to her. (4)

Reconnecting your body to the earth’s surface electrons by walking barefoot or even lying on the Earth, the bare ground, grass, or beach has been shown to increase wellbeing, improve sleep and reduce pain. The Earth’s surface is electrically conductive and has an unlimited supply of mobile electrons. The negative potential of the Earth is believed to create a stability in the internal bioelectric environment of our bodies enhancing the functioning of our body systems and setting our body clocks that regulate our diurnal body rhythms. It is also theorized that the electrons from the Earth can neutralize free radicals that lead to excessive immune and inflammatory responses therefore reducing inflammation in our bodies.

Studies conclude that connecting to the earth’s surface and electrons relaxes our nervous system and can thin our blood. When our bodies are grounded/earthed we become an extension of the earth’s huge electrical system, in theory this protects us from the bombardment of other electrons and electrical systems (man made) (5)

5 ways to strengthen your connection to the Earth

Spend time in nature and parks.

Listen to real or recorded sounds of nature

Take notice of the changes in the weather and the seasons and synchronize yourself with the Sun and the Moon cycles.

Orientate yourself to the Four Directions.


The benefits of connecting to the Earth and nature

Increases self esteem

Improves mental health

Helps us to manage stress and anxiety

Physical relaxation

Increases feelings of peace

It is invigorating

Increases our awareness.

Reduces pain and inflammation.

Resets our body clocks.

Improves sleep

Let taking yourself out for a walk, getting some air and looking for nature in your environment become part of your wellness routine. You could fit it into you rmorning, a lunch break or in th evening as a wind down and as a way to draw the line at the end of your work day.

1) https://www.doc.govt.nz/globalassets/documents/getting-involved/students-and-teachers/benefits-of-connecting-children-with-nature.pdf
2) Exploring the emotional state of ‘real happiness’ Keltner, Bowman and Richards. University of Berkley CA.
3) It’s true: The sound of nature helps us relax. ScienceDaily.
4) Path Awareness Arnold Mindell PhD.
5) Earthing: Health Implications of Reconnecting the Human Body to the Earth’s Surface Electrons. Chevalier, Stephen and Sokal. Journal Environ Public Health 2012.