Mantras powerful effect - uplifting your state of mind.

What is Mantra?

Mantra is a word, sound or verse that is considered sacred and is repeated continuously and this repetition is known as Jaap. Repeating these sacred sounds are a form of meditation. It is the chanting of particular sounds is a way that uses the vibration of sound to physiologically alter the patterns of the brain, the Chakras and the Psyche.

Each sound, word, has a vibration and the chanting of the Mantras can reprogram our patterns of thinking into more beneficial ways and alter our brain and glandular chemistry. If for instant you notice the repetition of a negative thought or feelings of anxiety arising replacing that thought loop with a repetative mantra can be immediately calming.

Mantras can be practiced in a variety of different ways to elicit different effects, chanted loudly, softly or silently, using the tongue in different ways and focusing the vibration of the sound in different areas of the body. There are also different numerical patterns to mantras.

Language has a universal code, the original root sound from the one common sound or sound current that is known as Naad, the vibrational harmony through which the Infinite can be experienced.

There is a science of Naad Yoga, which is thousands of years old. The science is that the movement of the tongue in the mouth in specific ways stimulates the upper palate in which 84 meridians are located, 32 pairs (64 points) on the palate behind and along the teeth, (4 points to each tooth) and another 20 points, 10 each side of the soft palate. The stimulation of these points sends information by the way of code to the Hypothalamus area of the brain, these codes regulate chemical messengers that influence chemical cascades to other glands via the master gland the Pituitary that controls the Endocrine System.

The patterns of the Mantras are known as the Shabd Guru, that which is the sound current that dissolve the distortions of the Ego allowing for the connection to the truth, our authentic Self. A quantum technology of sound that alters our consciousness through the power of Naad, the essence of all sound.

A Bij Mantra is a seed sound that contains all the knowledge in that one sound that is then planted in the subconscious. An example is SAT NAM truth is my Identity, this mantra awakens you to your individual vibration. HAR is another Bij Mantra the creative aspect of Infinity. Har is the sound of GOD (the generating, organizing destructive forces) and is imbued with the power to clear all blocks to prosperity.

Other ways that Mantras can differ is in the numerical construction of them, an Ashtang Mantra is an example of an 8 part mantra such as Sat Narayan Wahey Guroo, Haree Narayan Sat Naam, this is a powerful mantra that cleans out the subconscious. Another ashtang mantra is Ra Ma Da Sa Sa Say So Hung, which is a healing mantra that relates to the chakras.

Chanting mantras have the potential to improve our mental health as research has shown that increasing vagal tone has the benefit of expanding the ability of our bodies to relax after stress. “The vagal response reduces stress. It reduces our heart rate and blood pressure. It changes the function of certain parts of the brain, stimulates digestion, all of those things that happen when we are relaxed” Dr Mladen Golubic. 1.

The vagus nerve is stimulated by the act of chanting mantras because this nerve is connected to the muscles at the back of the throat and the vocal cords. Research shows that meditation also increases vagal tone and positive emotions.

So this is how mantras have the powerful effects uplifting your state of mind, they invoke the positive power contained in those particular sounds, producing specific vibratory frequencies within your body that impact upon your environment and your experience of it. Each time you chant a mantra you are tapping a rhythm onto the roof of the mouth with your tongue, stimulating meridians, which initiates a cascade of chemical reactions in the brain and body leading to happiness and higher consciousness.

Start with a simple mantra such as Sat Nam, synchronizing the Sat with an inhale and Nam with an exhale. If saying it out loud feels awkward try repeating it silently. Practicing alone no one can hear you and finding your voice can feel liberating, focus on creating the felt sensation of the vibration going through your body rather than on sounding in perfect pitch. Usually in Kundalini Yoga classes there are mantras played on speakers that you chant along to and its hard to hear anyone specifically, once you start chanting along you can usually hear yourself internally and the group externally as a whole.

  1. How to stimulate your vagus nerve for better mental health. Jordan Fallis.