New Moon New You

Creating a monthly routine to connect to the natural cycles of the moon can help to strengthen your connection to nature and understand yourself as part of nature and recognise the symbiotic relationship we share. So why not use these changes in the moon to bring some intentionality to your life by creating a monthly ritual and keep your goals in mind and support yourself in reaching them.

Moon Cycles

There are 8 phases to the cycle of the moon, here we look at the New Moon, which is the beginning of the moon’s phases and for this reason is linked to new beginnings, setting intentions and time for planting seeds both literally and intentionally. It is also a good time for self reflection and refining goals.

The moon is known to effect water on our planet and as we are mostly made from water we can assume we are also effected by the phases of the moon.

A New Moon Ritual

Create a sacred space

Find a space that you will be undisturbed so that you can fully relax into your ritual and begin to set your intentions for the coming moon cycle.

This can be done anywhere you feel comfortable. Maybe in your bedroom on your bed, or in your living room on your sofa or on the floor or even outside in nature.

Collect together items that help you to create a ritual feel to this, like candles, sacred smoke, incense and crystals or anything that has meaning to you.

Set the tone with music, lighting or what is important to you that will help you feel relaxed. Moon phase rituals can include any practices or belongings that you are drawn to and can be as simple or detailed as you desire.

Energetically Clear your Space

Sound is a way to clear the area, of stagnant energy, the simplest way is to clap your hands loudly in the space paying attention to corners in the room, you can us bells, rattles drums or chimes.

Another way to clear the energy of spaces is with smoke, you can safety burn herbs like rosemary sage or lavender, wafting the smoke around your space and then putting it out, you don’t need much. You can use incense in this way too.

Cleanse your own energy as well, with sound and smoke and especially movement for 10 minutes, anything that feels good to you, even if you feel a bit awkward put on some music and move differently than your usual dance style and let yourself go. Listen to how your body wants to move.

Get out of your head and into your body, this way it will be easier to tune into your innate wisdom, your gut instincts and heart centred intuition for when it comes to setting your intentions.

Ground Down

Next you want to get grounded so you’re ready to set intentions, you can use a grounding meditation, fully sink into it by laying out on the floor, with pillows and a blanket. Use your breath to release the old and breath in the new. If it feels good release some sound from deep within.

After your meditation, you could come back to the present with an idea of what kind of intentions you want to set. Journaling will help you to clarify this.

Write out your New Moon Intentions

Write out as many intentions as you want, whatever comes up even if it seems outlandish, your desires, dreams, wishes – basically everything you want to bring into your life. Once you’re finished look over your intentions to see which one stands out the most. Picking one intention for the moon cycle will allow you to focus more attention on it.

Some simple journal prompts

New beginnings, new starts, new growth, new possibilities.

  • What do I need?

  • What are my hopes and dreams?

  • What would I like to change?

Suggested New Intentions

  • A change in mindset

  • New health goals

  • Prosperity

  • More Self care

  • A new morning routine

  • More time for creativity

  • Start a spiritual practice meditation, yoga.

‘’I accept these things into my life now for my highest good and for the highest good of all concerned’’.



Visualizing your intentions is such a powerful tool to use for setting intentions.

Close your eyes and visualize what it is you want to see, do or be. Feel the sensation of your intentions already realised, how would you feel.

Say out loud I am ….. I have ….

Closing the New Moon Ritual

This is simply a gratitude practice, giving thanks to yourself, to whoever and whatever you want to say thank you to, whatever you feel grateful for now and in the future.

Continue to tap into those feelings and visualize your new moon intention when ever you want for the rest of the month.

Other days of the moon also have significance, I will fill you in with another article soon.

In the practice of Kundalini Yoga the phases of the moon hold particular significance with the New Moon as day one of the moon cycle. Usually extra emphasis is placed on our practice on this day .

During this time it is viewed that our glands are at a low ebb, and so is our energy so it is a good day to do a stimulating active Kundalini yoga kriya and also to do some meditations which focus on prosperity, positivity and transformation

The energy during this time is considered to be a very special time to heal on all levels, physical, emotional and spiritual. A time to plant new seeds for growth and prosperity. For planning goals and setting intentions.

You can use this time in concentrated practice to develop your ideas and clear the way to make room for your dreams to come into reality.