Unlock Your Full Potential: Your Inner Energy and its Impact On Your Business.

Entrepreneurship is an exhilarating journey filled with personal growth, risk-taking, and endless possibilities. However, it can also be stressful, overwhelming, and often feel like you're stuck not knowing which way to go next.

As an entrepreneur, achieving success, alignment, and balance requires not only strategic planning and hard work but also a deep understanding of your inner energy and its impact on your business. 

With specific practices its possible to shift the energetic barriers holding back your business growth, which hinder your progress, affect your decision-making, and disrupt your overall well-being. 

Energy blocks refer to energetic, physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual barriers that disrupt the natural flow of energy within you. 

These blocks can manifest in different ways, such as 

  • Burnout

  • Limiting beliefs

  • Fear of being fully seen

  • Overwhelming emotions

  • Physical discomfort and stress

They prevent you from feeling balanced, aligned, and successful in your life and business.

In many holistic and spiritual traditions, energy is seen as flowing through the body, often via pathways like chakras or meridians. When this energy is blocked or stagnated, it can lead to feelings of being stuck, unmotivated, overwhelmed, or disconnected. 

As an  entrepreneur, these blocks might show up for you as self-doubt, fear of failure, perfectionism, or an inability to make decisions, ultimately affecting your ability to reach goals and thrive.

Removing or healing these blocks often involves practices like meditation, breathwork, energy healing (like Reiki), mindset shifts, or physical movement to restore the natural flow of energy and bring about success, balance, and alignment.

Here’s how you can clear these blocks to create greater success and alignment through practices rooted in Kundalini Yoga, Yogic Sciences, Reiki, and Breathwork.

Recognising these blocks is the first step toward healing them.

Awareness and Self-Assessment

Before you can address energy blocks, you must first identify them. Self-awareness is crucial. Use journaling or meditation to reflect on areas where you feel stuck or imbalanced and Somatic practices to increase the awareness of your body sensations. 

Ask yourself questions about where you might be experiencing resistance in your business. 

Having another person to assist you in becoming more self aware is invaluable as it can be difficult to see your own blind spots. Having someone to hold you accountable to your practices is also helpful.

Setting a strong foundation for your business.

Activate the Root Chakra with Grounding Practices

The root chakra (Muladhara) is foundational for stability and security. 

When it's non optimal, you may feel uncertain about your entrepreneurial path. This energy centre is linked to basic human needs and fears. Being stuck in survival mode is a huge block to creativity 

Grounding practices like walking barefoot in nature, practicing Kundalini Yoga Kriya “Foundations For Infinity” and performing root chakra meditations can help re-establish a sense of security and stability. 

Enhancing your creative flow and emotional resilience.

The Sacral Chakra for Creativity and Joy

The sacral chakra (Svadhisthana) governs creativity and emotional well-being. 

Entrepreneurs often face creative blocks or emotional burnout. Engage in activities that ignite your creativity and joy, such as brainstorming sessions, creative hobbies, or dancing. 

Make time to experience joy and awe.

Confidence and Willpower

Balance the Solar Plexus Chakra  

The solar plexus chakra (Manipura) is linked to your personal power and confidence. A weak solar plexus can lead to self-doubt or a lack of motivation. 

Strengthen this chakra through affirmations, empowerment exercises, and Kundalini Yoga poses like Stretch Pose, Sat Kriya and Breath of Fire. 

Energetic and yogic practices focused on the Navel Point (Hara) may also help boost your self-confidence and willpower, driving you to achieve your entrepreneurial goals.

Self Compassion and Connection to Source

Expanding the Heart Chakra  

The heart chakra (Anahata) is crucial for accessing  authenticity and maintaining emotional balance. It is the meeting point between your lower chakras (more dense human needs) and upper chakras (connection to spirit and source) The heart is also the centre of your coherent electromagnetic field.

Engage in practices that expand your heart field, such as acts of kindness, gratitude journaling, and heart-centred gratitude meditations. This will help you foster deeper connections, create coherence in your own energy field and maintain a balanced emotional state.

Kundalini Yoga practices such as Ego Eradicator, Yoga Mudra, and kriyas/meditations that focus on arm movements.

Enhance Communication 

Effective communication is key to successful business interactions, brand building and messaging especially if you have the energy of the chakra behind it .

The throat chakra (Vishuddha) is essential for clear communication. Blockages here can lead to misunderstandings or difficulties in expressing your vision. 

Work on clearing this chakra through practices like chanting mantras, conscious speaking exercises, and using Energy Healing to release any tension around the throat. Try the Kantha Padma Kriya from Kundalini Yoga for 40 days.

Intuition and Insight

Gain clarity to confidently guide your business decisions.The third eye chakra (Ajna) governs intuition and foresight. 

Entrepreneurs often need to make decisions based on intuition and long-term vision. Practices like meditation, visualisation. Kundalini Yoga meditation focusing on the space between your eyebrows can enhance your intuitive abilities. Try the Kundalini Yoga Laya Yoga Kriya for Intuition.

Spiritual Connection and Purpose

This will help you align with your higher purpose and maintain a sense of spiritual fulfilment in your entrepreneurial journey.

The crown chakra (Sahasrara) connects you to higher consciousness and purpose. 

Experience a strong connection to your business goals and personal mission. Engage in spiritual practices such as meditation, contemplation, and connecting with your higher self. The ‘Foundation for Infinity” Kriya from Kundalini Yoga provides the perfect grounding practice to then connect to the boundless infinite self.

Energy Flow and Stress Management

Regular practice of pranayama can enhance your overall well-being and productivity.

Pranayama, or breath control, is a powerful tool for managing stress,  increasing and ensuring the smooth flow of energy throughout your body. 

Pranayama Techniques can help clear mental fog, increase focus, and balance your energy. 

Comprehensive Energy Healing

Reiki is a holistic healing technique that involves channeling energy to restore balance and harmony. 

Regular Reiki sessions can help clear energy blocks, reduce stress, and enhance your overall vitality. As an entrepreneur, incorporating Reiki into your routine can support you in maintaining balance, improving your emotional state, and fostering a more harmonious relationship to your business.

You can book regular Reiki sessions here or take Reiki I training to learn to give yourself (and your business) Reiki.

Clearing and strengthening your energy is essential for achieving success, alignment, and balance as an entrepreneur. 

By integrating practices from Kundalini Yoga, Yogic Sciences, Reiki, and Pranayama Breathwork, you can clear these blocks and unlock your full potential. 

Embrace these techniques to cultivate a stable foundation, enhance creativity, boost confidence, foster meaningful connections, and align with your higher purpose. 

With a balanced and clear energy system, you’ll be better equipped to navigate the entrepreneurial journey with resilience and success. Entrepreneurship is a dynamic journey that demands not just strategy but also emotional and energetic balance. 

Entrepreneurs often encounter energy blocks that can hinder their success and alignment, by addressing these blocks through the lens of The Ten Body system in Kundalini Yoga you can even further unlock your full potential.

Here’s how you can work with the Ten Body System to foster success and alignment in your business and personal growth.

Understanding the Ten Bodies System of Kundalini Yoga and how it can benefit you and your business

The Ten Bodies system provides a framework for understanding different aspects of consciousness and how they influence your life. 

These ten bodies include the 

  • Soul Body

  • Negative Mind, Positive Mind, Neutral Mind

  • Physical Body

  • Arc Line, Aura, Pranic Body, Subtle Body, and Radiant Body. 

Each plays a crucial role in shaping your experiences and challenges throughout your life and business.

You have particular challenges and assets related to the Ten bodies that can be harnesses to improve the experience of business and personal growth.

You can find out yours through the Soul Shift session i offer here and receive a free prescriptive practices to make the most out of your unique blueprint.

Overcome Self-Doubt - Balance The Negative Mind 

The Negative Mind is essential for caution and discernment but can become overwhelming if out of balance. Excessive negativity can lead to self-doubt and fear, hampering your progress. 

Use specific practices from Kundalini Yoga to balance the Negative Mind alongside techniques such as mindfulness and affirmations to address and transform negative thought patterns. 

Practicing gratitude and focusing on your achievements can also help recalibrate this mind, allowing you to approach challenges with a more balanced perspective.

Balanced Decision Making  - Align with the Neutral Mind


The Neutral Mind acts as a mediator between the Positive and Negative Minds, enabling balanced decision-making. 

When out of alignment, you may struggle with indecision or imbalance. 

Develop your Neutral Mind through specific Kundalini Yoga meditations and mindfulness practices that enhance clarity and objectivity. 

Techniques such as breathwork and reflective journaling can help you achieve a neutral state, allowing you to make well-considered decisions and navigate business challenges effectively.

Vitality and Endurance - Strengthen the Physical Body


The Physical Body is crucial for your day-to-day functionality and overall energy levels. 

Entrepreneurs often overlook physical health favour of their business, leading to burnout and fatigue. 

Prioritise physical well-being through regular exercise, a balanced diet, and sufficient rest. Incorporate Kundalini Yoga exercises that focus on building stamina and energetic vitality, such as dynamic postures and breathwork, to ensure your body supports your entrepreneurial efforts.

Integrity and Alignment - Clear the Arc Line 

The Arc Line represents your sense of integrity and personal boundary. A weak Arc Line can lead to feelings of being out of sync or misaligned with your values. 

Engage in practices that reinforce your personal boundaries and sense of integrity, such as setting clear goals and maintaining ethical standards. 

Techniques like the “Arc Line” meditation in Kundalini Yoga can help clear this body and align your actions with your core principles.

Protection and Influence - Strengthen the Aura 

Your Aura acts as your energetic shield and impacts how you project yourself to the world. A weak or damaged Aura can lead to feelings of vulnerability or difficulty in making an impact. 

Enhance your aura through practices such as daily meditation, energy clearing exercises, and mindful interactions with others. Techniques like the Aura Strengthening kriya fromKundalini Yoga can help fortify your energetic field, ensuring you project confidence and resilience.

Energy Flow and Vitality - Activate the Pranic Body 

The Pranic Body governs the flow of life force energy (prana) throughout your being. Blockages here can lead to low energy levels and decreased vitality. 

Utilize breathwork (pranayama) and energy management techniques to enhance the flow of prana. Practices like Kundalini Pranayama and energy-clearing exercises can help boost your vitality and ensure a smooth flow of energy, supporting your overall well-being and productivity.

Enhanced Presence and Impact - Cultivate the Subtle and Radiant Bodies

The Subtle Body represents your ability to perceive and interact with the subtle energies around you, while the Radiant Body influences how you are perceived by others. 

When these bodies are weak, your presence and impact may be diminished. 

Strengthen these bodies through practices that enhance your intuitive abilities and personal magnetism, such as advanced meditation techniques and Kundalini Yoga kriyas designed to activate these aspects. 

Engaging in practices that enhance your inner light and presence will help you make a more profound impact.

Clearing energy blocks is essential component for achieving success, alignment, and balance as an entrepreneur. 

By working with the Ten Body System you can address important aspects of your consciousness and energy. Embrace these practices to clear blocks, enhance your vitality, and align with your higher purpose. With a balanced and clear energetic system, you’ll be better equipped to navigate the entrepreneurial journey with resilience, creativity, and success.