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Sadhana - a daily conversation with your soul.

A time of the day devoted to your self - self inquiry - self discipleship

It is not about worshiping something outside of yourself.

Instead it is a time to devote to your self through practicing movement, yoga, breath, meditation, mantra, prayer and self inquiry.

A daily conversation with your soul.

There is nothing mind can do that cannot be better done in the mind's immobility and thought-free stillness.

When mind is still, then truth gets her chance to be heard in the purity of the silence.

Sri Aurobindo


A time to be.

To experience being.

Approach it with wonder and self compassion.

Not with the mindset of guilt, punishment or failure.

Making time to be divine.

Start with a small amount of time and give yourself short goals.

If you find you do not meet these goals don’t waste time indulging in a negative attitude towards your self. Our subconscious, ego and self sabotage tactics are crafty so don’t take that aspect of yourself too seriously. Start again to commit to your spiritual practice one day at a time.

In the practice of Kundalini Yoga there are recommended amounts of time for many of the practices for example how many times to repeat, time in minutes to practice and time in consecutive days to practice, each having a numerical, biological and esoteric meaning.

Sadhana recommendations

11 days this is the first step to overcoming the challenge of being in the physical realm our material world. 11 is the number of infinity so practicing for 11 days straight gives you a taste of what it is like to experience your infinite self and be free from the restraints of your mind.

40 Days this breaks through any negative habits that block you from the expansion possible through the kriya or mantra. Practicing for 40 days straight gives you a clear slate to create more beneficial habits for your future. Clearing out beleif sytems that limit you, as you change your habits you change your destiny.

90 Days this establishes a new habit in your conscious and subconscious minds based on the effect of the kriya or mantra leading to deep change within.

120 Days this confirms the new habit of consciousness created by the kriya or mantra, permanently integrating the benefits into your psyche. 120 days is the average lifespan of the human red blood cell, imagine imprinting brand new cells with a new thought pattern. You embody your new destiny.

1000 Days this will allow you to master the new habit of consciousness that the kriya or mantra has promised. No matter what the challenge, you can call on this new habit to serve you.

‘Without inner experience all ritual means nothing’

6th Pauri of Japji.

What could be the difference between empty ritual and inner experience?

Self care can be so much more than a candlelit bath, some paleo santo and a soundtrack.

Benefit from self discipline, physical challenge and commitment to reach deep enough into yourself to pass beyond your minds conception of the actions of being spiritual to actually experiencing the Self.

Your soul.

Kundalini yoga holds all that you may need to reach deeply within yourself and achieve that inner experience.

It is a discipline that becomes self discipleship.

I encourage you to try this for yourself.

Our new era is all about actual experience over belief.

So don’t take my word for it - experience it!

The ideal time to establish a spiritual practice

It is recommended 2.5 hrs before dawn as devoting 10% of the 24 hr day will come back to you tenfold. It is common sense that if you start your day with spiritual practice it is a way to set yourself up for a more stable experience of the day for yourself and how you interact with others.

Amritvela the time before dawn and dusk.

Drink in the nectar.

The two and a half hours before dawn are called the Nectar Time Amrit Vela for meditation.

Aim for the hours between 3 - 7 am.

The greatest possible pranic energy is available in the pre-dawn hours. The Amrit Vela is a peaceful time before the distractions and energies of the day have carried your mind away from the infinite that is contained within stillness.

Spiritual masters travel within their subtle bodies to bless the earth at this peaceful time

This morning the sun made me adore it.

It hid behind the dripping pine trees, the oriental brightness, orange and crimson, of a living being, a rose and an apple, in the physical and ideal fusion of a true and daily paradise.

Juan Ramón Jiménez,

Life, a true and daily paradise.

Researcher states that the wavelengths at sunrise and sunset have the biggest impact to brain centers that regulate our circadian clock and our mood and alertness. (1)

All to do with the colours of sunrise and the vibrational light frequencies of oranges and yellows.

Cultivate your daily spiritual practice

A time to acknowledge the spiritual aspect of yourself, early in the morning or find a quiet time in your day to devote to your self. Dusk is another magical time of day. Choose an amount of time that is doable, consistency reaps the most reward.

It would be wonderful to support you in establishing your spiritual practice either as part of a sadhana group or if you prefer 1:1

Let’s connect Click CONTACT

or email to arrange a consultation call.

1. Let there be 'circadian' light - ScienceDaily