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Yogic Technology - Mudras and Bhandas

Many of us are aware of Asanas, which are particular postures, positions, shapes that you make with your body that have health giving benefits through working on the marma points (similar to acupressure points), organs and glands. Asanas are believed to prepare you for seated postures in meditation.

Due to the huge popularity of mainstream yoga we are familiar with such asanas as Downward Dog, Mountain and Tree Pose and there is even some awareness about Mudras such as the Gyan Mudra, first finger tip to thumb tip that is often associated with meditation.

There are other yogic techniques that are not so well know or generally practiced in mainstream yoga where the focus is more on the asana and stretching or fitness. These less prominent practices such as more extensive mudras and the more complex Bhandas, which are adjustments in the body to contain the energy created by certain breath techniques, are a vital part of yoga if you are looking to move beyond practicing yoga purely for fitness or relaxation. They are the key to deeper transformation.

Mudras are particular positions you make with your hands, each finger has an affiliation to a planet and the thumb is Id your ego. Different finger and hand positions effect glands, organs, body systems and the brain. Each mudra has a specific function and effect. Mudras arepracticed both during meditations and the active part of kundalini yoga the kriyas.

Examples of some mudras practiced in Kundalini Yoga

Buddhi Mudra tip of the little finger on the tip of the thumb.

The little finger is symbolized by the planet mercury and associated with quick and mental power of clear and intuitive communication and stimulates psychic development.

Buddha Mudra for deep contemplation.

For a woman the right hand rests open in the lap, palm facing up and the left hand is placed over the right palm facing up, thumb tips are touching. For men the left hand is on the lap, right hand palm up thumbs tips touching.

Gyan Mudra stimulates knowledge and wisdom and gives receptivity and calmness.

Palm up tip of thumb touches tip of the index (1st finger) finger, the other fingers are extended straight out. The Index finger is associated with Jupiter and represents expansion.

Venus Lock for glandular balance, sensuality and sexuality.

Interlace the fingers with the right little finger at the bottom and the left index finger on the top, left thumb tip is placed at the base of the venus mound of the right thumb, the tip of the right thumb sits in the web between the left index finger and left thumb.

Bhandas are the locks in the body that you activate to control the direction of apana and prana. Apana is the outward and downward expression of energy associated with elimination. Prana is inward moving energy most often associated with inhalation. The cultivation and mixture of these two energies and putting pressure on them with the bhandas is how the Kundalini energy is gently stimulated to rise.

Yogi Bhajan said the coiled serpent of your lifeforce intelligence and your destiny is accessed through the hydraulics of the Mula Bandha, through the navel centre and the second chakra and the first chakra and then you pull that to create a hydraulic, which in a physical way it will start to elevate your whole experience. It is a physical access point to an elevation of consciousness, elevating your experiences, your different types of thoughts, an elevation of your health and an elevation of your creativity.

MulBandh is the Root Lock , this bhanda is applied to crystallize the effects generated by a kriya or meditation into the body. It involves contracting the anus, pulling up the sex organs and drawing the navel back towards the spine in a synchronized flowing movement balancing the energies of the lower three chakras. At the end of an exercise held, either on an inhale or exhale.

This actions combines the apana and prana at the navel centre creating heat, tapa, opening the Sushmuna and allowing the energy to flow up the spine and stimulating the flow of spinal fluid also.

Uddiyanna Bhand is the Diaphragm Lock. This is different from pulling the navel to the spine and is done only after a full exhalation and on an empty stomach. Pull the abdominal region up and back towards the spine, chest is lifted and the lower spine is slightly pushed forward. Practiced in combination with a gentle Neck Lock you will notice a deepening in the area at the base of the neck where the ends of your collar bones meet.

Uddiyanna Bhanda integrates the fire of the 3rd chakra with the opening of the Heart Chakra and increases our capacity for compassion. Also massages the heart muscle and intestines, stimulating cleansing and youthfulness.

Jalandhar Bandh is the Neck Lock the word Jala refers to the brain and its ‘watery secretions’ and dhar is the open gate upward pull. It is understood that these are the secretions from the pituitary pineal and hypothalamus, the Neck Lock helps to increase the concentration of the hormones released by these glands and keeps them from dispersing too quickly.

The application of the Neck Lock regulates the blood pressure, helps you to focus on internal sensations and keeps the energy of the Moon Centre contained at the chin. It seals the energy that is generated in the upper areas of the brain stem and stimulates and balances the thyroid and para thyroid glands. Without the neck lock the pranayama energy would not be directed into the central channel relative to the heart via the neck, calming the heart.

Seated with the spine straight, Jalandhar Bandh is applied by lifting the chest and sternum whilst simultaneously opening the back of the neck by pulling the chin toward the back of the neck (retraction) the head remains level and centered over the spine, the chin is not tucked and neither is it tilted up. The face and brow and muscles of the neck and throat remain relaxed.

Maha Bandh is the Great Lock, a combination of all 3 of the locks all at the same time (root, diaphragm, neck) only practiced on an exhale. Bhandas are a central practice of Kundalini Yoga and it is important to master all of the bandhas. With all 3 locks applied the body comes into a healing state with the glands, nerves and chakras becoming revitalized, it is claimed many ailments can be cured through this practice.

During Kundalini Yoga classes you receive instructions on how to practice the kriyas, the pranayam breath, the mudras and the bhandas. It is not as complicated doing it as it is reading about doing it ;-) I believe it is the addition of the teaching of these technologies within the practice that gives you the stronger felt sense of transformation on many different levels.